Baviaanskloof, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Touring Guide to Baviaanskloof, Eastern Cape, South Africa

(Place, Distance, Time, Details)

Author: Steve and Carole Eilertsen.

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Assumption: Travelling through the valley from East to West. Time and distance, from Patensie. Allow a variation of 10% on the distances quoted and a variation of 20% on the time.

Telephone numbers for information and bookings:
General - 042 283 0437 (Tolbos)
Eastern Cape Parks - 043 742 4450
General - 044 272 9908
General - 079 496 7818
Bookings for the wilderness area (camping or chalet at Bergplass). Mon to Thurs: 043 701 9600
Bookings for the wilderness area (camping or chalet at Bergplass). Fri, Sat and Sun: 042 283 7912/3/4

Costs: 2012
Camping in the wilderness area: R40-00 per person
Chalet at Bergplaas in the wilderness area: R220-00 sleeps four

More information

Port Elizabeth (80km from Patensie)Tar road   
LoerieTar road   
HankeyTar road   
Tolbos shop & tourist info - Permits here.Patensie - Tar road  042 283 0437
PatensiePatensie - Tar road0km0 min 
Orchid view country housePatensie - Tar road  042 283 0248
Droe Kloof  Bush campPatensie - Tar road  042 284 0729
Highlands B&BPatensie - Tar road  042 2830658
Endulini Garden CottagePatensie - Tar road  084 503 2941
Gonjah chalet - bush camp/4x4 route/self cateringKwagga - Tar road   042 283 0596
Tia Ghee Tent camp - bush campKwagga - Tar road  042 283 0739
Die Mist cottage - self cateringKwagga - Tar road  042 283 0724
Die Ghwarries B&B/Guest houseKwagga - Tar road15km  042 283 0710
Rooinek bos campAndrieskraal - (Dirt road from here)  042 283 0695
HeroncliffAndrieskraal  042 283 0640
Glencoe self catering ChaletsAndrieskraal   084 515 0993
Komdomo - bush camp/caravan parkAndrieskraal - Permits and office 30 min 042 283 7912
Bruintjieskraal - campsite/self catering chaletAndrieskraal   084 515 0993
Osseberg 4 X 4Cambria 45 min043 742 4451
Kudu Kaya - bush camp/guest farmCambria  042 283 0793
Die Skoolhuis - B&B/Self cateringCambria  042 283 0797
Spin huisCambria  042 283 0785
Baviaanskloof lodgeCambria  042 283 7900
Baviaanskloof wilderness gate - PoortjiesWilderness area44km  
Mountain passWilderness area   
BergplaasWilderness area53km 043 742 4451
Mountain passWilderness area   
Doodsklip - bush campWilderness area60km2 hours 043 742 4450
Rooihoek - bush campWilderness area65km  043 742 4450
SmitskraalWilderness area - is prone to flooding69km  
DoonkraalWilderness area72km 043 742 4451
Mountain passWilderness area   
GeelhoutbosWilderness area82km4 hours043 742 4451
Baviaanskloof wilderness gate Wilderness area   
Zandvlakte Guest farmBeyond wilderness area90km 049 839 1227
Baviaans LodgeBeyond wilderness area  042 288 0557
Doornkloof Bush Camp & 4x4 routeBeyond wilderness area  049 839 1174
Damsedrif B&BBeyond wilderness area  049 839 1026
Sederkloof LodgeBeyond wilderness area  049 839 1122
Baviaanskloof Guest HousesBeyond wilderness area  049 839 1174
Uitslag B&BBeyond wilderness area  044 923 2192
Vleikloof B&B & 4x4 Beyond wilderness area  044 923 1922
Cedar Guest HouseBeyond wilderness area  044 923 1751
Speekhout Beyond wilderness area  044 923 1056
MakkedaatgrotBeyond wilderness area  044 923 1921
Uitspan rest camp & restaurantBeyond wilderness area  044 923 1151
Mountain passBeyond wilderness area 5 hours 
Intersection: Left to Uniondale, Right to Willowmore    
Willowmore or Uniondale 207km6 hours 

Disclaimer: All wilderness travel is potentially dangerous and travellers must not rely on any one source of information


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